API v8 - DeprecatedInterfacesRESTGetAPIOAuth2CurrentAuthorizationResultVersion: 0.37.108On this pageRESTGetAPIOAuth2CurrentAuthorizationResult https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2#get-current-authorization-information@deprecatedAPI and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.Index PropertiesapplicationexpiresscopesuserProperties applicationapplication: Partial<APIApplication>the current applicationexpiresexpires: stringwhen the access token expiresscopesscopes: OAuth2Scopes[]the scopes the user has authorized the application foroptionaluseruser?: APIUserthe user who has authorized, if the user has authorized with the identify scope
API and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.